Home Decorating

10 indoor plants that are perfect for apartments

Low-maintenance and small-space friendly.
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Yes, house plants are still amongst the most popular items to decorate your interiors. Known to promote a calm atmosphere and improve mental health, the right interior plant can dramatically affect the way you feel in your home.


If you’re reading this, chances are you owned one of the 72 million houseplants killed by Aussies last year, and you might think that because you’re living in an apartment you’re just not cut out to be a plant parent. But we think otherwise. You just haven’t found the right plant for you.

There are a host of plants that love the apartment life and don’t need much care other than watering, the occasional clean and dose of fertiliser. The best ones are long lived, don’t drop leaves, and thrive with the right care – and for some, this means the less care the better.

We’ve found the low-maintenance plants that thrive in even the smallest apartment. Pop them in a statement planter in your bedroom or let them drape over your shelves, because they’ll win you major style points and purify your air.

Maidenhair Fern

As pretty as it sounds, the maidenhair fern is a great solution for low-light areas of your home. Plant it in a basket or small pot and let it trail over the sides like a waterfall for a luscious look. There’s no chance of overwatering because they love moist soil but can also withstand dry conditions. Best part? The Maidenhair is known for its ‘Lazarus’ quality – it can be revived from almost certain death.


A hanging plant display brings life to this small dining space.

Prickly Pear Cactus

The Prickly Pear cactus brings a taste of the rainforest into your home. It’s flat-headed leaves will withstand full sunlight so place them in a corner by the window and they’ll be happy for a very long time.

Zanzibar gem

Zanzibar gems are gems because they’re practically indestructible. Only feed them once a fortnight and avoid overwatering.

An indestructible Zanzibar gem brings this small kitchen to life.

(Photo: Elouise Van Riet-Gray)

Peace Lily

The peace lily is one of the best air-purifying plants, and all they need is a sunny spot, weekly watering and light, mid-week spray-bottle spritzes. They thrive in bathrooms as they love humidity!

Fiddle-leaf Fig

Ah, the fiddle-leaf, our trusty old friend. The fiddle-leaf fig is not only a favourite because of its stylish form, it’s also very happy to live indoors in a small pot.

Keep your fiddle leaf fig in a small pot to avoid it outgrowing your apartment.

Umbrella Tree

The main danger with the umbrella tree is overwatering. That said, the tall plant will survive almost anything. At a bare minimum, you can get by watering it only a few times a month. So, if you’re struggling to keep your fiddle-leaf fig happy, embrace this low-maintenance indoor tree.


Air plants

In the great outdoors, air plants, or Tillandsia, plant themselves on other trees and plants for support and absorb their moisture and nutrients through their leaves. This makes them one of the easiest plants to care for because they don’t require roots or soil and only need minimal water and a good flow of air between their leaves.

Devil’s Ivy

This sneaky creeper thrives indoors with little light and little water and can withstand varying temperatures. They look ideal in a hanging pot in any area of your home and will grow rapidly into a cascade of luscious leaves.

If you’re short on floorspace, drape devil’s ivy over a bookcase to create a lush display.

(Photo: Robert Frith)

Cast iron plant

There’s a good reason the Aspidistra Elatioris is called the ‘cast-iron plant’. This plant will withstand even the most toughest conditions and the most neglecting parent.


Rubber Tree

The hardy leaves of rubber trees make them a tough plant to kill. They can tolerate moderate sunlight and survive with little water, just give them a sip of water once a week and wipe down their leaves with a damp cloth to get rid of dust and keep them healthy.

Rubber trees will grow quite large if allowed. To keep them to your desired size, keep them in a suitably sized pot.

(Photo: Lisa Cohen)

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