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How to grow a frangipani tree from cuttings

Nothing says summer more than the bright blooms and sweet smell of a frangipani tree.
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Deciding on the types of trees you’d like in your garden can be tough with so many different varieties to choose from. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance tree that will provide plenty of shade in summer, look no further than a frangipani tree; also known as Plumeria.


Whether you’re a fan of the traditional white and yellow flowers or you prefer the punchier pink varieties, frangipani trees are great for adding colour, lush foliage and a delightful fragrance to your summer garden.

You can even plant and grow your own tree from a small frangipani cutting, which means if you happen to have a friend who already has a frangipani tree in their garden, it won’t even cost you a cent.

Are frangipani trees easy to grow?

Once established, frangipani trees require very little maintenance. Frangipani trees only require watering in spring and summer. It’s best to hold off watering during winter to prevent root rot.

Frangipani trees thrive in a coastal environment as they love well-drained sandy soil and can tolerate the salty sea breeze and harsh summer sun.


Frangipani trees require very little maintenance.

Types of frangipani trees

  • Common white frangipani – the original and the most popular variety.
  • Pink frangipani – can vary from pale pink to pinky-orange. Choose your tree when in flower.
  • Common petite pink frangipani – this dwarf frangipani is perfect for hedging and planting in pots.
  • Tricolour (fruit salad) frangipani – if you can’t choose between yellow and pink, this one’s for you.
  • Darwin blood red frangipani – a rich crimson colour sets this species apart.
  • Singapore white frangipani – you will recognise this species if you’ve holidayed in Asia or other tropical destinations.

How to propagate frangipani from a cutting

Frangipanis are quite easy to grow from a cutting. The ideal time of year to take a cutting and propagate a frangipani tree is late spring to early summer. All you need to do is cut off a stem or branch from an established tree, and remove any leaves or flowers that are positioned on the lower end.

Can I plant a frangipani cutting straight into the ground?

It’s best not to plant your frangipani cutting straight away, but to leave it to stand in an upright position for one to four weeks – or until the base of the stem has entirely dried out.

“Jacaranda and frangipani trees are very typical and traditional in Sydney,” says landscape architect Hugh Burnett. (Photographer: Brigid Arnott)


Can you plant frangipani cuttings in pots?

Once you’ve left your frangipani cutting until the base has dried out, you should plant it in a pot of coarse sand and water for about one week until roots have formed. But note, depending on the climate this can take up to four weeks to happen.

Once the frangipani cutting has roots, it can be transplanted into a pot of soil with good drainage or straight into the ground. Frangipani plants can survive for years in pots, however to allow them to grow and not be root-bound, you will need to replant them in larger pots each year.

While you can do it, it is best not to put frangipani cuttings in water as their roots can rot quite easily.

When do frangipani trees flower?

In Australia, frangipani trees typically start to flower in the warmer months of November, lasting through to April.


Frangipanis come in a variety of different colours.

Pruning frangipani trees

While frangipani trees don’t necessarily need pruning, it can help to keep them in shape and at the size you like.

  • Prune in winter or early spring to avoid interfering with the blooming cycle.

  • If you’re pruning to remove dead or diseased branches, this can be done at any time of year and should be done immediately to promote healthy growth.

  • Keep your cutting tools sterile and cut off dead or diseased branches at the base of the problem.

Frangipani flowers have a beautiful perfume to them that has become a quintessential Australian summer smell.

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