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A rustic farmhouse filled with vintage finds

A beautiful farmhouse in the Swedish wilderness provides artistic inspiration to an illustrator and her partner.
rustic home

It took illustrator Lina and her partner Matthias more than 90 visits to different properties to find their perfect home – a beautiful house in Österlen in southern Sweden with no neighbours but plenty of character. “We’d always dreamed of living in the countryside,” Lina says. “I was tired of cities and wanted to be in the wilderness.”


The farmhouse table was inherited from the previous owners.


Don’t be afraid to layer different patterns, styles and textures.

The couple have been gradually renovating their home every day since they moved in, and try to do as much as they can themselves. “About half of the house is finished,” Lina says. “It’s been a massive job. I constantly get new ideas, so it’s an ongoing process.” Lina’s personality is reflected in the many objects she has collected over the years. “Thrifting is one of my favourite things to do. I’m always coming across pricey items for a couple of kronors in flea markets.”

The couple tiled the walls, put up the shelves and painted the cupboards in the kitchen as they felt the room was too modern for the old house.

Lina works from home in her studio, with three cats and lots of greenery for company. “My studio was the biggest project – we dug out the floor by hand and put in underfloor heating,” Lina says. Equal parts light and dark, the interiors are spacious with a ripe, vintage feel. “The whole interior was painted white, which I hate, so we are slowly filling the house with colour – painting and refurbishing the floors and trying to use old details and materials.”


Lina is a big fan of vintage kimonos. This one came from an antique market in New York.

The accompanying garden almost outshines the house. “It’s an old showcase garden that was planned and planted about 20 years back,” Lina says. “It has a large walnut tree, a mulberry tree, berry bushes, apple and cherry trees. It’s a massive amount of work, but it’s always worth it when August comes around and you can feast on organic fruit and veg. The location here is perfect. The place just gives you a sense of inner peace.”

Lina in the vegie patch.


  • Plan it: “During the colder months we plan what we’re going to do with the garden and what to plant.”

  • Feed it: “Think organic – build your own compost heap and use it to fertilise your garden.”

  • Harvest it: “We’re not self-sufficient but I try to make as much of the harvest as possible – apple cider, dried apple slices, apple sauce, dried raspberries and jams.”

  • Enjoy it: “Don’t be a perfectionist. My garden is so massive, overgrown with weeds and half-finished projects. But I enjoy the small things I’ve accomplished instead.”

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