Autumn: that awkward time of the year in between summer and winter where one day it can be 30 degrees and the next drop down to 18. This transeasonal period can be a tumultuous time for plants and gardens. Many trees start to lose their leaves, summer crops are harvested and bright blooms become a rare occurrence. But it’s not all doom and gloom!
Colour comes in the way of orange and auburn tones on deciduous trees before they lose their leaves and, although not as abundant as they are in spring, there are still plenty of flowers that bloom in autumn. Here we list our top nine.
The best autumn flowers in australia
autumn flowers dahlias
Dahlias add vibrancy to gardens from summer until frosts arrive and are great for picking. Cut stems back hard at the end of autumn. Leave tubers in the ground. They’ll regrow in spring which is also the time to plant new tubers. Dahlias flower in a myriad of colours, shapes and sizes from late summer to autumn. They like full sun.
autumn flowers Camellia
Sasanqua camellias
Sasanqua camellias begin to flower in late summer but hit their straps in autumn. Pink or white, single or double, the flowers stand out against those deep green evergreen leaves. Sizes range from groundcover to 3m plus shrubs or trees. They’re good in pots, as a hedge, topiary or feature.
autumn flowers roses
Modern roses (varieties bred after 1867) produce flushes of flowers from spring to autumn. Stimulate a good autumn flower show by pruning roses in mid summer. Apply rose food after pruning and water them well once or twice a week.
autumn flowers Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum is a herbaceous perennial grown for its bold and colourful autumn flowers in purple, pink, yellow, bronze and white. Tall growers may need staking to support the weight of their flowers. Enjoy armfuls in vases right through autumn.
autumn flowers Eastern-Purple-Coneflowers
Echinacea or coneflower
Echinacea or coneflower attracts butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects to its flowers. They are also long flowering and good to pick for a vase. Echinacea species are also used in herbal medicines.
Asters such as Aster novi-belgii (New York aster) fill gardens with no-fuss autumn flowers in blue, mauve, pink or white. Varieties grow from 30cm to almost 1m tall. Chop back after flowering. Plants die down in winter but regrow in spring.
Hibiscus flowers
Hibiscus flowers add a touch of the tropics to warm, sheltered autumn gardens. Their bold colours and large, flared petals light up the autumn garden. Small varieties can be grown in tubs.
Tibouchinas add colour from their splashy purple, mauve and white flower to autumn gardens. These long-flowering shrubs need a frost-free spot. Prune tall growers after flowering or in late winter to keep plants compact.
Gordonia flowers
Gordonia flowers stand out against their dark, evergreen leaves. They give double value as the flowers always fall ‘butter’ side up in a floral carpet around the tree. This is a lovely evergreen shrub or small tree for a sunny garden.