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5 simple ways to break the ice at any Christmas party

Or you know, any party at all.

Christmas parties are bucketloads of fun, of course — except if you’re that lone person who doesn’t know the crowd and finds it hard to settle in. And at Christmas time, there are so many of these gatherings, whether it’s a family do or a work party or a cocktail party for friends, with so many different, disparate groups of people meeting, often for the first time. Here’s how to make sure everyone has someone to talk to — and has a great time.


1. Games aren’t just for kids

Party games are great for kids’ parties – and you know what? They work for adults, too. If you’ve got disparate groups of people in the one room, get them talking and mingling by playing a good old-fashioned board game or card game. You don’t have to buy anything new – that ancient UNO deck is begging for new life (and healthy competition!)

2. Nametags are not daggy

Well, they don’t have to be, anyway. If you’re entertaining for a big crowd of guests who might not know each other, why not write nametags – and add a fun fact about each guest on the badge? Let people know that your best friend Sarah is an avid chess fan who won the state comp when she was in high school, or that your brother makes fresh pasta every weekend. It sounds a little twee, but it leads to fun conversations – which in turn lead to other fun conversations. Job done.

Gather everyone around for Christmas crackers and start the party with a bang. | Photography: Nick Watt /

3. Consider the layout of the room

“The way you set up your party can actually encourage chat between guests,” says Alexis Teasdale of The Festive Co. “Wherever there is food, make sure there’s some seating – it’s such a simple idea, but when you do this, you’ll find guests will gravitate towards it. Just having this area gives people a chance to sit and chat.”


4. Introduce, introduce, introduce

Again, this sounds very obvious, says Teasdale, but you’d be surprised how often hosts don’t introduce their guests to one another. “I’m always baffled when new people come to a party and their host doesn’t introduce them to at least one other person! It’s your job, as a host, to make people feel comfortable, and part of that is introducing them,” says Teasdale. “It’s as simple as, ‘This is Trinh. We went to school together back in Queensland. She lives in Adelaide now, with her wife and kids.’ You don’t need to give the person’s life story, just a few details so the other guest can start to make conversation,” says Teasdale.

5. Watch out for floaters

“This isn’t just about hosting,” says Teasdale. “As a guest, if you see someone without a friend, go up to them! Chances are they’d love a chat.” And if you’re the one floating around, says Teasdale, offer to help someone – say, if they’re setting something up – so that you can get chatting. “The best question is always, ‘So, how to do you know ?'” she says. “If you’re lucky it’ll be a great story!”

Struggling to ease into the company of others? Food solves many a communication barrier. | Photography: Rob Shaw /

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