A hot-water bottle slipped into a soft knitted cover is a classic comfort. If you love to knit, or you’re keen to learn, why not make your own hot water bottle cover?
Check out this easy knitted hot-water bottle cosy that has no shaping and there is only one seam to sew up. Knitting skills are required or get an experienced knitter to talk you through the steps.
What you will need
3 x 50g balls (we used 14 ply Bouton d’Or Laika in colour 612 Velouté)
1 m ribbon, 2–3 cm wide (optional)
6 mm circular needle, approx 40 cm long
blunt-ended wool needle, for sewing up
7 mm crochet hook (if making the tasselled cord)
38 x 22cm; to fit standard hot-water bottle
14 stitches and 18 rows per 10cm, over stocking stitch
Using the long-tail (thumb) method, cast on 60 stitches fairly loosely (for the hot-water bottle cover, we used about 70cm) and place a marker to indicate the start of the round. Making sure the stitches on the needle are not twisted, join to form a round – to do this, simply insert the right hand (RH) needle into the first stitch on the left hand (LH) needle and knit it as normal.
Continue knitting around until work measures 25cm and the body of the cover is finished. (Note that you are knitting in a large spiral; slip the marker from the LH needle to the RH needle at the end of each round.)
At the 25cm mark, to create the ribbed neck cuff, start the next round in a knit 2, purl 2 rib and continue working in the rib around the needle until the piece measures 29cm.
Once you reach the 29cm mark, you need to work the eyelets for the tie into the neck cuff. Work this round in a knit 2, bring the yarn to the front then around the needle [Yarn forward and round needle; bring the yarn forward between the two needles, take it back over the right-hand needle and forward again between the two needles; this creates both a stitch and a hole that will form the eyelets through which the ribbon or tie is threaded], purl 2 together pattern until you reach the end of the round.
Once the eyelets round has been knitted, return to working in the knit 2, purl 2 rib. (Note that in the first continuation row, you will be working the first of each pair of purl stitches into the front of the stitch made by bringing the yarn to the front of the needle, thus completing the eyelets.) Continue working in the knit 2, purl 2 rib until the piece measures 39cm. Cast off loosely in the same rib pattern and fasten off yarn.
With the right side of the work facing out, sew up the bottom seam using an overcast stitch, passing the needle through the loops of the cast-on edge from one side to the other. Weave in all ends neatly on the wrong side of work. To finish, thread a tie or ribbon through the eyelets, insert the (empty) hot water bottle into the cover, pull tie tight and finish with a bow.
Tasselled tie
Using a 7mm crochet hook and two ends of yarn, make a crochet chain about 1m long. Fasten off, but don’t trim the ends yet. To add a tassel, cut four lengths of yarn about 15cm long. Using a crochet hook and two lengths of yarn, pull the centre of the doubled lengths through each end of the cord, then pull all loose ends of yarn through the central loop. Pull tight and trim ends to desired lengths.