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The vintage coastal makeover of a run-down WA home

Making the move from Perth to the Margaret River region, this couple transformed a run-down house into a welcoming family home.


Mark Roper

Rachel Woods was captivated by the natural beauty of the Margaret River region when she was 19 years old and working in a lodge in Gracetown for a year. After work, she’d head to the beach to surf and explore the local bushland on weekends.


But most of all, Rachel fell in love with the small country community and, before reluctantly returning to Perth, she vowed she’d return one day. “It just felt like home,” she recalls.

Thirteen years later, after studying photography, Rachel’s wish came true; only this time she returned with a young family in tow.

When an employment opportunity for her husband Craig arose in the region in 2012, they searched for a house to renovate that would accommodate not only their family but their ridgeback–cross Issey.

They eventually settled on a 20-year-old house in coastal Dunsborough, north of Margaret River, that was quite dated.


“I love being surrounded by collected treasures that tell a story,” says Rachel of her kitchen. Despite living 250 kilometres away in Perth, Craig and Rachel spent 10 weekends travelling down to work on the house before moving in; transforming dark jarrah and varnished pine with white paint and covering everything from the ceiling to doors and frames in the same cool shade. The blue canisters were found at a garage sale and the green enamel pendant light is originally from a mechanic’s garage in Fremantle.

Ella, Craig, Issey the ridgeback–cross, Aniah, Rachel and Jack outside the shed that Rachel hopes will become her studio one day. Rachel’s paddleboard leans against the shed.

Rachel’s print Touch the Sky hangs on the wall of her project room. “Peeking through the overhanging trees and vines as we drove up the driveway for the first time, it reminded me of a house in a storybook, and we loved the light that poured through the windows,” Rachel says, not daunted by the dark interior. “As terrible as it looked, I knew it was ours — there was cosiness among its quirks and imperfections.”


Rachel has loved interior decorating since she was a child. “I was forever changing my room around and pilfering things from other parts of our house,” she says with a laugh. “I like little collections and arrangements of things.” The lounge room is one of her favourite places to enjoy the morning sun.

Silverware from Rachel’s family sits alongside a mermaid bottle-opener from Empire. “I love things with stories; my most cherished pieces have either been handed down, handmade or rescued from the roadside and op shops; pieces that make me wonder whose hands have held them before mine,” Rachel says.

New and old pieces from salvage yards, markets and op shops are mixed throughout the house. In 2015, Rachel and Craig opened a photography studio – Merchant & Maker General Store – in the main street. Even with a population of fewer than 5000 in Dunsborough in winter, a steady stream of customers frequent the store. “It’s nice to be part of the community and get to know people’s stories,” Rachel says.

A floral print from the Salvation Army opportunity shop sits atop metal drawers from Empire in Perth. Rachel made the crucifix above the bed herself from plaster moulded to a doily.


A tribal necklace from Bali takes pride of place atop a blue trunk Rachel found in a Perth junk shop. The trunk still bears the original owner’s address in England. “We’ve built quite a life for ourselves down here and in some ways it feels like I’ve picked up where I left off when I was 19,” says Rachel. “This place and I had some unfinished business I suppose; it’s good to be home.”

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