Fancy being your own greengrocer? Most varieties of herbs are easy to grow at home, even in an apartment, so long as you have a balcony.
If you want to grow more than a few types of herbs, it’s worth buying a simple wire stand (or if you can find one, an ornate wrought-iron stand like the one we used here). You can plant your herb garden directly into it, and the vertical arrangement saves space.
A layer of sphagnum moss stops the potting mix falling out and also acts like a sponge, holding moisture (this kind of moss can hold 20 times its own weight in liquid). That way you don’t have to water too often. The high levels of zinc occurring naturally in moss will also keep your herbs’ roots healthy.
You will need: Sphagnum moss ($10.48 for 150g block), Miracle-gro Organic Choice vegetable & herb mix ($8.90 for 25-litre bag) and assorted herbs (from $3.25 per punnet), all from Bunnings. Plus a wrought-iron stand (for about $150) from garden centres.
Step 1
Line the base and sides of each tier with sphagnum moss – you’ll need about two bricks for a stand this size.
Scatter over a handful of potting mix that has been specially formulated for herbs.
When you go to choose your herb varieties, remember that not all herbs are permanent plants. Some, such as basil – we used purple and green – die off over winter, so planting these at the top of the stand will mean it’s easier to replace them. Choosing easy to grow herbs will increase your chances of gardening success.
Plant snow peas (an annual as well) around the perimeter so they can trail down and twine around the stand as they grow.
Step 2
Plant more cascading herbs including prostrate rosemary on the middle tier, positioning them around the border so they can trail down easily.
Also plant rocket and purplefoliaged Asian mustard in this tier.
Step 3
Plant salad greens in the bottom tier. It won’t receive as much sun (due to the tiers above shading it), so use more shade-tolerant plants such as watercress, perpetual lettuce, French parsley and mint.
Plant peppermint sideways around the border to form a wall of fragrant leaves.