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How to prune fruit trees in three simple steps

This three-step guide to pruning fruit trees will demystify the whole process and make for healthier, happier harvest!
Fruit tree

When planting your fruit trees, you may have envisioned a Garden of Eden-type situation with an abundance of fruit, and tidy looking rows of trees. In reality, most people end up with scraggly overgrown bushes that struggle to produce fruit. The way around this – and to keep your trees pretty and productive – is to prune them once a year.


Master gardeners may have differing opinions about the right way to prune a fruit tree, but there is a simple three-step process that works for the majority of fruit trees. You can use this method for trees that produce pome fruits (e.g. apples, pears and quince) and those that produce stone fruits (e.g. peaches, cherries, apricots and anything with a pit).

Tackling this gardening job in winter is best (because there is less foliage which makes it easier to see the condition of the branches), but you won’t cause any harm to the tree if you do this job in summer.

Step 1: Clean up

The first thing you need to do when you begin pruning is to look for – and remove – any wood that is:

  1. Dead
  • Damaged

  • Diseased

These are known as the “Three D’s” of pruning.


Once that’s done, look for sprouts at the base of the tree trunk. These sprouts, or “suckers” originate from the rootstock rather than the fruiting tree grafting on top and will need to be cut off in line with the tree trunk (don’t leave a little stub).

Are there any suspiciously straight sprouts growing from the main branches? These vertical branches are called “watersprouts” and should be removed as well. Again, it is important to cut these back flush with the larger limb, without leaving any stubs.

The first step of pruning a tree is to cut off any wood that is dead, damaged or diseased. Photo: Modern Farmer

Step 2: Thin out

The next step is thinning out which aims to allow light and air into the tree’s canopy. This boosts fruit production and reduces the tree’s vulnerability to pests and diseases.


Remove any branches that:

  • Grow downward

  • Grow towards the centre of the tree

  • Cross paths with another branch

Once you’ve removed these branches, take a step back from the tree and take a look. Are the branches evenly spaced and fanning out from the centre?

The second stage of pruning is to remove any competing branches that can make the tree appear scraggly and unkempt. Photo: Modern Farmer

If there are still spots where branches are competing with each other find out whether any branches that are growing from the same crotch at a narrow angle. Alternatively, you could find two branches growing parallel to each other from different sources.


In this scenario, you want to keep the branch with the healthiest appearance and best crotch angle (roughly the 2 o’clock or 10 o’clock angle from the centre of the tree). Wider angles can break when laden with fruit and narrower angles lead to bushy growth and fruit that is too high to pick.

Next, continue to thin the tree until there is a good 15 to 30 centimetres of air space around every branch. The smaller the branches are, the closer they can be to each other.

As with your clean-up cuts, all thinning cuts should be made flush to the branch.

Step 3: Head back

Finally, the easiest step: pruning the outermost growth of the tree. Known as “heading back,” you can think of this as giving the tree haircut. Not only will it keep the tree looking tidy, but it will help the branches grow strong and thick rather than thin and weak.

All you have to do is cut off 20 to 30 percent of last year’s growth. Depending on the tree, this could be anywhere between 5centimetres to 1.2 metres back from the tip of each branch.

The final stage of pruning involves cutting away the previous year’s growth to promote strong branches that can hold plenty of fruit. Photo: Modern Farmer

Unlike the previous steps, this time, the cuts will be made part way into each branch. It’s important to prune each branch back to a point half a centimetre above a bud that faces the direction you want that branch to grow in the coming year. If there is another branch close by on the left, for example, prune back the plant to a bud on the right side of the branch.


Heading back stops the tree’s branches from snapping under the weight of fruit and will also activate its growth hormones which will result in an abundant harvest!


  • Sharp shears make for clean, easy cuts. If you don’t know how to sharpen your own, many neighbourhood hardware stores often offer the service for a small fee.

  • As a measure of disease prevention, dip the blades of your pruning shears in solution of isopropyl alcohol for 30 seconds to disinfect them before moving on to prune another tree.

  • Clean up the pruned wood from around the tree and dispose — especially if it contains any diseased material.

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