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How to propagate buxus, the perfect plant for hedging and topiary

There's nothing like crisply clipped hedging and topiary for adding a smart formal flourish to the garden.

While topiary itself dates back to Ancient Greece and Rome, it wasn’t until the Renaissance period that elaborate topiary gardens became associated with wealth and social status. Probably one of the most well known is the one at the Palace of Versailles, renowned for its pots of sculptured yew as well as the avenues of manicured trees.


While most hedging plants can be used for topiary, smaller-leafed varieties generally work best, with Buxus (box) being the shining star. There are four main varieties of Buxus gardeners use in Australia (Japanese, English, Korean and Dutch); Japanese is probably the most popular variety.

Each have a similar effect, but slightly different growth habits. For instance, English box grows more upright and is great for a long expanse of hedge, while Korean box is naturally low-growing. We have all varieties here at Rosedale, our 49-hectare farm just outside of Orange, NSW, but the harsh winter frosts really knock our Japanese topiary balls around, so we tend to plant more of the English variety as it’s tough as nails.

Are Buxus low maintenance?

Topiary and hedging are low-maintenance once established, but do require some planning and TLC to get going.

Our hedging and topiary gets no more than three clips a season – one in late spring, one in early summer and then again in autumn as the weather begins to cool. We fertilise in early spring and again in autumn with a good slow-release organic fertiliser and keep the water up to them while growing particularly if kept in pots.


Australian House and Garden gardening editor Mike Booth in his happy place, surrounded by plants he has nurtured in the thriving hothouse at Rosedale Farm.

How to propagate Buxus from cuttings

This is surprisingly easy to do. I first started propagating plants on my apartment balcony where I kept a small hothouse, but a protected area works just as well. Now at the farm we propagate all our own hedging plants, particularly Buxus, and have around 12,000 plants at various stages growing at any one time.

  • Take a soft-wood cutting in spring or autumn about the length of four fingers.

  • Strip all the leaves except the top three.

  • Using a sharp knife, wound the node (where a leaf would grow) on an angle.

  • Place the cutting in honey or rooting hormone and then place one-third of the cutting into a small pot of potting mix or coco coir pellets.

  • Place in a warm, sheltered position and keep moist for six weeks and you should see some roots starting to form.

Propagating new Buxus plants from cuttings is a surprisingly simple process.

Mike recommends planting cuttings directly into coco coir pellets. “I just love them,” he says. “They are so easy to use, biodegradable and 100 per cent sustainable.”


What is the best way to trim Buxus?

If you don’t have the time or patience for propagating, you can always begin with nursery stock and clip into shape yourself.

  • Half-fill a 40-50cm-diameter planter with good-quality potting mix.

  • Purchase five or six mature-ish Buxus from your garden centre and plant, evenly spaced, in prepared pot with the tallest plant in the middle. Backfill.

  • Use secateurs or hedge cutters (depending on the size of the plants) to trim leaves to the desired shape. Don’t be afraid of pruning too hard – the plants will respond quickly and fill out perfectly within a few weeks or months.

From little things, big things grow… The various stages of growth for Buxus, from propagated cutting (far right) to feature plant.

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