The garden is the one place at home where your pet is truly the master of their domain. Here, they are usually free to roam – rustling through the undergrowth, investigating strange smells, marking their territory, and lounging in the direct sun.
Watching your beloved pet enjoy the great outdoors can be a joyous experience. However this can be tarnished somewhat upon discovering your garden beds have been dug up for the umpteenth time.
Worse still, your pet could harm themselves resulting in costly vet bills. The average garden is often full of unexpected dangers such as poisonous plants. To avoid any nasty surprises make sure your furry friend is covered by pet insurance.
Of course it’s not all doom and gloom – your pet and your garden can easily live together in relative harmony! Here are a few simple tricks for protecting both your pet and your plants.
1. Plant more herbs
Pungent herbs, such as rosemary and sage, will keep pets out of the garden bed thanks to their distinct smell. Coleus canina – also known as ‘Scaredy Cat Plant’ – is another great herb with a very pungent smell that felines can’t stand.
2. Beware poisonous plants
Some plants are so common in Australian backyards that many people are unaware they are potentially dangerous to animals. The most harmful ones to look out for are Brunfelsia otherwise known as yesterday, today and tomorrow, Ricinus otherwise known as castor bean or castor oil plant, and liliums of all types.
3. Bury bricks under the soil
If you have any bare patches in your garden your pet will no doubt see these as prime digging spots. Hide a brick about 5cms under the soil. Once your pet hits the brick they will think twice about digging there again.
4. Look out for rusty metal
This could be anything from corrugated iron to garden tools or old playground equipment. Consider clearing out all your rusty metal because if an animal cuts themselves it can easily get infected or become tetanus.
5. Buy a pee-post
A pee-post is a plastic stick that has the smell of other dogs and can be found in pet stores. Your own pet will be drawn to this specific area and relieve themselves here rather than all over your flowerbeds and veggie patch.
6. Rethink rodent poison
It goes without saying that rat or mouse bait, which is designed to attract animals, is extremely dangerous to pets. Opt for more humane methods of pest control instead.
7. Make a sandpit
Design a specific ‘doggy-area’ for your dog to play. Fill a designated area with soil and bury a few of their favourite toys. Once they discover this patch they will be too content to bother the rest of your garden.
8. Think before you fertilise
The garden may love a bit of blood and bone, but if your dog gobbles down large quantities it will upset their stomach. Other types of fertilisers may contain harmful amounts of iron, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides so always think twice before sprinkling it on.