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How to plant seedlings

Expert tips for ensuring seedlings not only survive, but thrive in your garden.
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Seeing tiny green shoots emerge from what was once just a bunch of tiny seeds in potting mix is always an exciting moment for a gardener. But now that those unassuming pods of potential are fully fledged seedlings, you may be wondering: what next? One thing is for certain, it won’t be long before those seedlings have outgrown their starter tray and will need to be planted in their forever home.


While you could simply shake them loose, plant them in the ground and hope for the best, there are a few tips you can follow to ensure those seedlings get the best possible start in your garden or vegetable patch.

Here, the experts from The Little Veggie Patch Co share their tips on how to plant seedlings in a way that will help prevent transplant shock while promoting healthy, happy plants.

It’s important to handle seedlings with care when transplanting them into the garden.

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How to transplant seedlings

  • Thoroughly water the seedlings. Wait 15 minutes.

  • Gently take the plant, including the roots and potting mix, out of the seedling tray or container. Using a pencil, bamboo stake or paddle-pop stick may help to remove the plant from its container.

  • Remove excess soil. Take care to avoid disturbing the roots. If you’re planting a seedling with many individual plants (such as chives or spring onion), gently remove the soil by dipping the roots in a small glass of water and agitating until the soil falls away, leaving the roots exposed.

  • Gently separate the seedlings into as many individual plants as possible.

  • Space the seedlings out where you intend to plant them. Check the seed packet or seedling tag for guidelines on how to correctly space the plant. Plant immediately to avoid the roots drying out.

  • Make a hole large enough to cover the root of the seedling and backfill with soil. Water well. Consider surrounding the seedlings with organic mulch, to help promote consistent temperature and humidity levels.

Water the seedlings thoroughly approximately 15 minutes before transplanting them into the garden.

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Follow these steps to make sure your seedlings make it through any weather.

  • Seeds need moisture and even temperatures to germinate well. Sow seeds then cover with a very thin layer of mulch to insulate the soil and reduce evaporation.

  • Use a pencil or bamboo stake to carefully ease the seedlings out of the seed tray.

  • Seedlings grow best if mulched. Prick out seedlings ready for planting.

  • Surround with a veneer of sugar cane to allow small seedlings to grow through.

How big do seedlings need to be before they can be transplanted?

The best time to transplant seedlings is when they are large enough to be handled and separated into individual plants. Beginner gardeners often make the mistake of failing to separate the seedlings into as many separate plants as possible, which leads to increased competition for nutrients in the soil.

Check the seed packet for instructions on how to correctly space seedlings.

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How to make seedlings stronger

Two of the main signs that seedlings are struggling include: yellowing leaves and leggy growth. Rather than trying to make struggling seedlings stronger, it may be better to cut your losses by tossing these seedlings into the compost and focusing your energy on the seedlings that are thriving and healthy.

To avoid these problems when growing plants from seed, it’s important to understand what causes poor seedling growth in the first place. Leggy growth can be a sign of a seedling that has passed its prime, or a plant that has not received adequate light.


Yellowing leaves can often suggest that the seedling has received too much or too little water, or that the soil is not nutrient-dense enough to support the plant’s growth.

How to ‘harden’ store bought seedlings

Seedlings on sale at the supermarket, nursery or a hardware store are often cultivated in climate-controlled conditions, which makes the seedlings ‘soft’ or vulnerable to the ever-changing outdoor elements.

To harden the seedlings, keep them in their original tray and place them outdoors (in a spot with similar conditions to where they will eventually be planted, if possible) for a day or two to allow them to acclimatise before transplanting them into the garden.

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