One of my most pleasurable activities in the garden is propagating plants — there is a great joy in starting a new life, and being involved in nature’s amazing process. Whatever the method, you will be intrigued by the procedure of propagation and surprised at how easy it is.
If you have a fondness for growing different garden plants and giving them away to friends, propagation extends the range of your gardening ability. Sharing is half the fun of gardening, especially if you can supply seedlings or rooted cuttings as gifts for loved ones.
You may find your early attempts at propagating are not totally successful but, with lots of experimentation and learning about different techniques, your success rate will improve. It is not only a satisfying pastime in the garden but a cheap way to increase your garden stocks too.
Method 1: Division of plants
There are many plants that grow in clumps and they are among the easiest to propagate. With just a few basic steps, it is possible to create new plants that are often ready to pop into the ground right away.
Dividing plants is not only simple, it is often very necessary to lift and divide some perennials such as plantain lilies hostas, asters, bellflowers campanula, daylilies, carnations dianthus, oriental poppies and iris at least once every 3–4 years so they remain vigorous and healthy.
Tips for dividing plants
Study the growth habits of plants to discover how to divide them. Clumping perennials send out rooted plants around the edge of the clump that can be removed and planted. Other plants, like raspberries, send out suckers that can be cut off.
Always use a sharp spade when digging up a clump.
Choose young plants that grow around the outside of the older plant. They are more vigorous than the older sections.
If you can’t shake the soil off the roots, wash the soil off with water so it is easier to see what you are doing.
If the plant separates easily, get your hands dirty and use your fingers to gently prise pieces apart.
Don’t allow newly divided pieces to dry out.
How to divide rhizomes
Some plants, such as iris, that have rhizomes instead of ordinary roots can be propagated easily by dividing the rhizome. A rhizome is simply a root-like stem growing at the soil surface. It’s best to do this at the end of the flowering season.
Dig up the plant with a spade. Wash off the soil so it is easier to see the rhizomes.
Choose a section of the clump from the outer edge that has leaves and a strong rhizome. Carefully pull it off the main clump. Tidy up the foliage by cutting it down by a third.
Replant each rhizome at ground level so it is sitting half in and half out of the soil. Throw away the old central rhizomes once all the newest rhizomes have been removed and replanted.
Method 2: Growing plants from seed
Planting seed is the most common method of propagation and the cheapest way to grow annual flowers, herbs and vegies.
Hold just one tiny seed and you will be amazed to learn that within it is a tiny plant with enough food to sustain its initial growth. Sometimes seeds need treating before they germinate but over time you will learn different techniques to make it easy.
Tips for growing from seeds
Save seeds you’ve collected in an envelope labelled with the date and plant’s name and store in a dry spot.
Carefully follow the instructions on bought seed packets.
If you grow seeds on a windowsill, turn them regularly or they’ll start to grow at a slant towards the sunlight.
How to sow seeds
Fill a tray with seed-raising mix, then pat it level. Spread the seeds evenly over the mix.
Use a sieve to sift a very fine layer of seed-raising mix over the seeds, so they are just lightly covered.
Tamp the seeds down with a wooden block or matchbox to make sure they are in contact with the mix.
Water with a fine spray and place in a sheltered spot with filtered light. Plant out when the first true leaves appear.
Method 3: Growing plants from cuttings
Some plants can root and form a new plant from just a leaf. The leaf used does not become part of the new plant and usually dies as new shoots and roots grow.
Piggyback plants (Tolmiea menziesii) and African violets grow most readily this way. Others include peperomia, begonias, mother-in-law’s tongue, kalanchoes, some sedums and some ferns like Asplenium.
Tips for leaf cuttings
Always use fresh, full-grown leaves.
Several plantlets may start from the same leaf. Gently pull them apart, or use a clean knife, and transplant into plant pots.
Larger-leafed plants such as mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria) are best propagated by cutting the leaf into pieces about 6cm long and inserting them vertically in the propagating mix.
Cut the leaves of Rex and other large-leafed begonias into 3cm pieces.
How to grow leaf cuttings
Remove leaves from the parent plant. For small ones, keep some stem.
Cut small leaves into a circle or square shape and long leaves into sections.
Fill a plant pot with a coarse propagating mix and level the surface. Make holes in the mix with a stick and insert cuttings so stems are facing down. For small leaves on stems, push down so the leaves touch the surface of the mix.
Water well, then cover with a clear plastic bag or a cut-off soft-drink bottle (like a mini glasshouse). Keep moist.
Roots and new leaves should form within 6–8 weeks. Use a stick to gently lift the leaf cuttings and pot up into individual pots.
Method 4: Stem cuttings
Stem cuttings are generally simple to do. This method is also useful for plants that produce few or no seeds. The new growth of many plants is ideal to make softwood cuttings. They are called softwood cuttings because they are taken from the soft new shoots, rather than harder wood further down the stem.
They are best taken in late spring through to summer while the shoots are still springy, but not so soft that they will wilt in the heat of the day. Taking cuttings can become a bit of an obsession as you will find that many plants strike extremely easily.
Tips for softwood cuttings
Most softwood cuttings taken from house plants, perennials or succulent-stemmed plants will root easily. Coleus is an excellent starter for children to try. Herbs such as mint, oregano and thyme are good for beginners, as well as box and lonicera.
Always take cuttings from healthy plants – do not be tempted to use diseased material.
Keep your tools, such as your secateurs, clean and sharp.
Always cut the bottom end of the cutting at an angle so there is more surface on which to callus and form roots. Dip the base of the cutting in a rooting hormone powder or gel, shaking off any excess, to get roots growing well. Some people use honey for the same effect.
Propagation boxes and heated trays that provide bottom heat for the cuttings are available and give excellent results.
shop Plant Propagation Tools
Garden editor Mike Booth recommends putting plant cuttings directly into coco coir pellets. These ones are made from sphagnum moss and cocoa fibre, and provide the perfect moisture retention, increasing the chances of your cuttings survival.
AB tools border spade shovel scoop, $129.23, Amazon
A good spade is part of every gardeners arsenal and this stainless steel model is an indispensable addition to any well-fitted garden shed.
Pruning shears, $14.99, Amazon
Ensure you’re cutting your plants cleanly with these strong and durable pruning scissors. Made from high carbon alloy steel, these scissors will stand the test of time and are suitable for trimming anything from orchards to branches.