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What to do in the garden during August

Gardening expert Dale Vine talks garden necessities for the final winter months.
winter garden

Late winter is the perfect time to be laying the groundwork for spring growth. Photo: Claire Takacs /

Claire Takacs

We have finally reached the end of winter! Now is the time to clear out your garden beds in preparation for spring. Here is a list of tasks to tackle this month.


Remove winter grass

No matter what variety of lawn species you have, they are all susceptible to patches of winter grass, which pop up in the cooler months. This grassy weed is fairly easily distinguished as it grows a darker green in colour, has fine blades and is a little taller. It is best removed by hand now before seed heads establish.

Prune and spray citrus trees

Prune your fruit trees to allow sunlight and air circulation into the centre of the tree to increase fruit production, assist in fruit ripening and reduce disease. Once pruned, spray branches with a copper fungicide to prevent diseases developing.

Prepare seedbeds for vegies

If you’ve been saving a spot for your spring vegies, it’s now time to add anything that’s required to sustain your future crop. You should now have weeds under control, have mixed in organic material or manures, and if it’s an area you haven’t previously sown into, it may need topping up with an organic blend of garden soil to help achieve a raised bed to plant into.

Get ahead

Once seedbeds have been prepared, you can get ahead of the planting season by covering them with cloches or polythene sheeting stretched over wire hoops. Because the soil will be kept warmer, seeds can be planted and developed up to three weeks earlier, so you won’t have to buy crops from supermarkets when they are at their most expensive.


If you are keen to get ahead, read up on what gardening tasks need to be completed in early spring.

Mint control

Mint is a much-loved herb, but it often takes over entire areas of the vegie patch. Mint has a very invasive growth habit, so if it has grown wild through your vegie beds, dig it up now and plant it into large pots where you can control it and have new sprigs ready for spring vegies. You can even bury the pots back into the ground with only 10cm showing.

End of winter sales

At this time of year you can get some great “end of winter” deals and update some of your old trusty garden tools that are in need of retirement. You may be able to pick up a new shovel, rake, garden fork or weed sprayer, all at sale prices, before an influx of new stock comes in for spring – when gardening becomes a more popular hobby again.

What to plant in the vegie patch

Broad beans, cauliflower, celery, kale, garlic, leek, mustard, potato, radish, rhubarb and rocket can all be planted now. Rocket leaves will be ready to be picked in a matter of weeks, but as soon as a plant has flowered, remove it to make way for new ones as the leaves become very peppery.


What to harvest now

Beetroot, broad beans, onions, leeks, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, parsnips, carrots, leeks, silverbeet and spinach can all be harvested now. If you need to take a gift to a dinner party or want a unique present for a housewarming, a vegie box filled with freshly picked winter produce would be perfect.

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