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How your windows can save you money this winter

Choose the right windows for your climate zone to help ward off winter’s chill and those bills!
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Windows play a crucial role in the comfort levels in a home. “They have a major impact on the thermal performance of your house,” says Richard Hamber, sustainability manager of the Australian Window Association. “High-performance windows add to the insulation of a home and enable [passive heating]( |target=”_blank”) when used in conjunction with good building design.”


According to Your Home, the Federal Government’s online guide to environmentally sustainable homes, up to 40 per cent of a home’s heating energy can be lost via its windows.

If you’re building or renovating Hamber suggests you take a look at the Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS) website. “WERS uses both a star and percentage-rating system,” he says. The more stars, the better a window’s thermal performance, and the percentage figure offers a comparative energy rating.

“If you have a window system with, say, a heating percentage of 49 per cent that means the heating system in your home will have to work 49 per cent less to keep the internal temperature at a comfortable level when your window is compared to a basic aluminium single-glazed product.”

“The right window selection can enhance both the appearance and temperature of your property,” says Daniel Black, Viridian’s home comfort general manager. “On the other hand, poor windows can undermine the overall performance of your home, impacting the temperature and comfort levels, and potentially hiking up your energy bills.”


The Building Code of Australia sets out various climate zones across the nation. To comply with the code’s requirements any windows you’re thinking of installing must meet the required U-value (Uw) and Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient (SHGCw). U-value indicates how readily a window system conducts heat; the SHGCw measurement reflects how readily heat from sunlight flows through your window.

“In all climates across Australia it’s important to get the U-value as low as possible,” says Hamber. SHGCw requirements will, however, differ depending on the location, orientation and design of the home.


Single panes of low-e glass set the benchmark for energy-efficient windows, says Tamara Head-McNeil, business development manager, home comfort at Viridian. “Double-glazing [with standard glass] is better, but double-glazing with low-e glass is definitely best because it provides superior insulation.”

A low-e coating (the ‘e’ stands for emissivity, which is the capacity of a surface to radiate heat) improves insulation by up to 39 per cent compared to ordinary glass, as it works to reflect heat in the home back into the house.


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