It’s a misconception that if you garden in Australia’s warm and coastal climates, you’ll not be able to experience the sort of bold autumn colour and textures that are enjoyed by gardeners in more temperate regions. But hiding in full view are many beautiful trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals, that colour in autumn, such as stately Canary Island date palms carrying fountains of fruit, knee-high fiery flowers of cosmos ‘Little Lucifer’ or the glowing leaves of the deciduous claret ash. All of which provide the variations for recreating the looks and scents of an authentic, cold-climate autumnal garden.
If you want to enjoy a spectacular seasonal display of warm colours and falling leaves in autumn no matter where you live, these are the best trees and plants to add to your garden.
The stately and reliable liquidambar (Liquidambar styraciflua), or sweet gum, is one of the most adaptable deciduous trees, colouring its leaves into varied shades of yellow, orange, red and deep purple as far north as the subtropical coast of Brisbane.
Further inland, where winters are cooler, liquidambars colour reliably as far north as the Atherton Tableland. Unfussy about soil type, all it requires to become established is plenty of space, deep soil and watering during its first three years. In central Europe, its curiously fluted winter twigs and spiky fruit are often mixed with juniper shoots to create wreaths for Christmas decorations. ‘Worplesdon’ is the best cultivar for purple autumn foliage.
The best hawthorns include the cockspur thorn (Crataegus crus-galli) and C. persimilis ‘Prunifolia’. These two shrubs are prickly and bear simple white flowers in spring. Their foliage turns red in autumn, and their occasional ripe, red fruit may persist after trees lose their leaves. Either variety may be trained as a tall shrub, hedge, or as a formal standard. They’re unfussy about soil type, although they perform best in a deep loam soil, and succeed along coastal regions to northern NSW. Further inland they may be grown north to Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Maidenhair tree Ginkgo
This classic deciduous tree has fan-shaped leaves that turn butter yellow in autumn. For best results, plant Maidenhair trees (Ginkgo biloba) in deep loam or clay soils, ideally in a position that remains moist in winter. Deeply watering saplings during drought for the first five years helps them to establish strong root systems. Trees of this ancient deciduous conifer are either male or female. If pollination occurs, fallen fruit makes paths slippery, but their nuts are very nutritious.
Fastigiated (stiffly upright) and pendulous cultivars have very beautiful silhouettes and their splendid form and fallen leaves are best appreciated when they’re grown as lawn specimens. It grows best in the southern regions up to northern NSW, further inland it succeeds north to Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Claret ash
This is probably the easiest and most successful of trees grown for autumn colour in frost-free climates. Claret ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) leaves really do develop into a variety of subtle hues of claret, often accompanied by pendulous clusters of winged seeds. A small, hard-wooded tree that’s also drought tolerant and unfussy as to soil type, the claret ash has become one of Sydney’s favourite deciduous street trees. It succeeds north along the coast to northern NSW, further inland north to Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Chinese pistachio
A small, fast-growing tree that has vibrant autumn leaves varying in colour from bright orange to yellow or scarlet. Chinese pistachio (Pistacia chinensis) is an excellent shade tree for suburban gardens. Drought-tolerant and unfussy as to soil type, it succeeds north along the coast to northern NSW, further inland north to Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Chinese tallow tree
Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum) is a medium-sized tree that provides yellow, orange and burgundy coloured autumn leaves. It is not fussy about soil type. While drought-tolerant, watering during prolonged drought is advisable, otherwise leaf drop may occur early and without much colour. The tree self-seeds, but is not invasive. Succeeds north along the coast to northern NSW, further inland north to Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Crabapple (Malus) are compact trees that were traditionally grown for their white spring flowers to help improve apple pollination, and also for their edible fruit. Modern hybrids offer decorative mini-apples as well as golden autumn colour. Plant in free-draining soil and work in compost. Water regularly for the first three years, especially in drought. Fruit may persist for weeks after trees become leafless. ‘John Downie’ has golden and red fruit, while ‘Golden Hornet’ can produce masses of yellow-orange fruit. Succeeds inland along the Great Dividing Range north to Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Purple beauty berry
Purple beauty berry (Callicarpa dichotoma) is a large, deciduous shrub with pink flowers in summer and clusters of shiny, bright purple berries in autumn. Plant in well-drained, compost-rich soil, and keep moist during summer so fruit fully develop. Plants can be trained into hedges or screens. Best along the coast and further inland to the Dividing Range from Melbourne to northern NSW and Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Dwarf umbrella tree
This evergreen is widely grown as a foliage pot plant. Established specimens flower profusely in summer and, while flowers are insignificant, they attract honeybees. Plants produce brash displays of pale orange fruit in autumn. Variegated cultivars fruit sparsely. It can be trained as a tall groundcover, shrub or climber and does best on the coast from southern NSW to far north Queensland.
Diamond-leaf laurel
Diamond-leaf laurel (Auranticarpa rhombifolia, syn. Pittosporum rhombifolium) in an evergreen rainforest tree native to coastal northern NSW and across Queensland. In late spring, it is covered with white flowers. Later, clusters of orange autumn fruit develop, which birds rarely eat, so fruit persists into winter. Unfussy as to soil type, although clay soils must be free draining, it may be trained into a hedge, large shrub, or semi-formal standard. Protect saplings from frost for the first three years. Succeeds along the coast and the coastal corridor from southern NSW to far north Queensland.
If you garden in the tropics or subtropics, try these beautiful, warm-climate perennials to imitate autumn in your garden.
Giant yellow shrimp
(Barleria micans) This clumping perennial has bright, clear yellow flowers from spring to autumn. It quickly makes a dense groundcover. It prefers well-dug, free draining, compost-rich soil and regular watering during drought. It needs a frost-free climate and succeeds best in coastal regions from southern NSW to far north Queensland.
Brazilian red cloak
(Megaskepasma erythrochlamys) This tall, lush perennial has inconspicuous flowers, but its large, rich magenta bracts are very showy, making it one of the most exciting autumn flowering plants for a frost-free area. It needs the same conditions as the giant yellow shrimp.
For quick and inexpensive colour, annuals are the way to go. These easy-care favourites will complete your autumn display.
Sunflower ‘Autumn Shades’: With bronze-eyed flowers, it is probably the best sunflower for an autumn show.
Cosmos ‘Little Lucifer’: Its brilliant orange flowers mean it is an ideal plant for attracting bees and butterflies into autumn gardens. It is quick and very easy to grow.
Seed crops: Warm climate seed crops, such as sorghum, Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) and grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), are normally grown for stock and human food. Apart from being ornamental garden plants, seed heads of sorghum and Job’s tears can be dried for winter vase arrangements. Grain amaranth ‘Hopi Red Dye’, a heritage cultivar, has lush, rich purple foliage.
How to grow annuals
These annuals grow best in a sunny spot. A couple of weeks before planting, dig the soil thoroughly, working in plenty of compost, then seeds can be sown directly into the ground. For Job’s tears and sorghum, sow seed in the first week of December. Sow sunflowers around mid-December, and cosmos and amaranth in the last week of January. For a successful display, water regularly in dry or windy weather, and feed every fortnight with a soluble flower and fruit fertiliser. Autumn is also a celebration of colour and shape with berries and other fruit and foliage coming into their own.